OdorKlenz Air Testimonials

“After 2 1/2 hours, I could not believe the odor had been eliminated completely. We were very impressed.”

Charles K. Disaster Restoration Service Provider

“I have had many successes with the OdorKlenz-Air Cartridge. It is hands down the best new product in the industry in the last 10-12 years.” 

Bryan Gardella – Manasquan, NJ

 “A basement was filled with 1-inch deep sewage. The smell was the worst I’ve experienced in my history with ServiceMaster Clean. The air scrubber with an OdorKlenz-Air Cartridge ran for 3 hours. We met the Customer upstairs and to their satisfaction and our surprise, the odor was gone. It far outperforms any other filter. It just works.”

Don McNerney – Memphis, TN

 “A meat-based casserole was accidentally left baking in the oven of a large 2-story home. It remained there continuing to burn for several hours. Two air scrubbers with OdorKlenz-Air Cartridges were placed in the home… After only 45 minutes, I could not smell a trace of the horrible protein smoke damage. The homeowners were thrilled to be able to re-enter their home to check belongings. I knew instantly that this was what I’d use for all of my odor damage jobs.”

Scott Mims – Anniston, AL