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How Poor Air Quality is Affecting Businesses

How Poor Air Quality is Affecting Businesses

The Metronome in Union Square of Manhattan regularly holds a 62-foot wide clock. Usually, the clock shows the time to and from midnight. But, for one week in September 2020, the ‘Climate Clock’ counted down the time we have left to prevent the irreversible effects of...

How Wildfire Season Impacts Businesses

How Wildfire Season Impacts Businesses

Each and every year, destructive wildfires take a blaze throughout the United States causing wreckage many times beyond repair. Natural disasters like wildfires are not the only issue that our country has been faced with as of recently, with the Coronavirus pandemic...

How to Improve Air Quality in Classrooms

How to Improve Air Quality in Classrooms

The classroom is a vital indoor environment for all children, as this is the space where young minds learn and retain new information during the school day. These classrooms are usually home to anywhere from 10 kids to even hundreds of kids in college settings....

Why Nursing Homes Need Clean Indoor Air

Why Nursing Homes Need Clean Indoor Air

Air quality, particularly indoor air quality, has become a major topic of discussion for the last couple years due to its increasing risk hazards to public health and air quality pollution levels in various indoor spaces. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)...

How to Disinfect the Air in a Commercial Office

How to Disinfect the Air in a Commercial Office

Nothing is worse than having to go to work, especially around flu season or during any time of the year when viruses are hanging heavy in the air. Most commercial offices will consist of a small enclosed environment, which will range in size based on the number of...